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Boarding house rules from the handbook to lowell, 1848

Boarding house rules from the handbook to lowell, 1848
















Labor activism in Lowell in the 1830s and 1840s was directed not only at shortening the length of the textile mill workday but also at improving health conditions in Lowell's factories. The centerpiece of the Tsongas Center's packet on the Ten-Hour Movement is a series of documents along with eight proposed activities. In the dialogue, focus on the various push and pull factors of mill work, your fears and what you hope to accomplish or experience while in Lowell. Group Two: You are sitting around the table at the boarding house. Discuss your work, the conditions at the mill, and the experience of working in a mill as well as life in a boarding house. ↑ Hamilton Manufacturing Company (1848). "Factory Rules" in The Handbook to Lowell. Online at the Illinois Labor History Society. Retrieved on March 12, 2009. ↑ "Betsy" (1840). "A Letter about Old Maids". Lowell Offering. Series 1, No. 1. Online at the On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics. Retrieved on August the rank and file. The Lowell girls were expected to attend church and demonstrate morals befitting proper society. The 1848 Handbook to Lowell proclaimed that "The company will not employ anyone who is habitually absent from public worship on the Sabbath, or known to be guilty of immorality." The mill owners happily publicized the efforts of RULES. HANDBOOK TO LOWELL 1848. REGULATIONS TO BE OBSERVED by all persons employed in the factories of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company. The overseers are to be always in their rooms at the starting of the mill, and not absent unnecessarily during working hours. •Living in a boarding house was hugely different than life on a farm. They View MOD4.docx from HIS 201 at Jefferson State Community College. I. Description: Life at Lowell Mills (20 points) Read the 4 primary sources in the pdf file name Module 4 Documents Life at Lowell This Illinois Labor History Society page of primary documents also has text from Factory Rules from the Handbook to Lowell, 1848, "Massachusetts Investigation into Labor Conditions" and "Boarding House Rules from the Handbook to Lowell, 1848 ." Report broken link The History of the New York State Canal System Period 4 (1800-1848) on the main economic/technological developments that took place. Document 6: Excerpt from The Handbook to Lowell, 1848 Factory Rules place; and are to observe the regulations of their boarding house… Boarding House Rules REGULATIONS FOR THE BOARDING HOUSES of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company. The tenants of the HAMILTON COMPANY - BOARDINGHOUSE RULES FROM THE HANDBOOK TO LOWELL, 1848 REGULATIONS FOR THE BOARDINGHOUSES of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company. The tenants of the boarding-houses are not to board, or permit any part of their houses to be occupied by any person, except those in the employ of the company, without special permission. In search of a workforce, Lowell turned to women to fill positions in his factory; offering decent wages, contracts, and a boarding house, he was able to attract many female employees who would strikes and demands for labor reform. Factory Rules from the Handbook to Lowell, 1848 REGULATIONS TO BE OBSERVED by all persons employed in the factories of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company. The overseers are to be always in their rooms at the starting of the mill, and not absent unnecessarily durin


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